I simply want ... a beautiful life. ... but be able to enjoy it. … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

I saw him ... extremely involved.

As never before.

I think he was in love with her.

Wanting her .. for real.

I saw the passion into his eyes.

His obsession was also ... obvious for anyone.

And ... his jealousy.

... exposed into an abstract way.

He knew it would be difficult ... on long term.

... maybe extremely difficult.

But ... all he was doing was ... so, so intense ....

Somehow .... I was admiring him.

Also ... sometimes ... i've realised he is too atypical for this era ... seeing him as an idiot.

Life ... continued.

i was continuing to analyse him ... trying in fact to understand what he really wanted.

But ... all was unclear.

One day ... seeing my obvious curiosity for his relationship

with Alice ... he told me ... "All i've wanted was quiet her

mind, touch her soul, make her soul race and her body tremble."

He knew that to have her ... he'll have to touch her soul.

For real.

In continuous form.

That was ... his only chance for him.

So ... indeed all was intense.

Lots of emotions.

In fact ... lots of intense emotions.

... but all sorts of contradictory emotions.

And ... easy, easy ... they were just ruining their souls.

Day by day ... everyday.

By ... such a long, long time.

He knew what she wanted.

... but losing the control of his actions ... all became a cocktail of weird feelings, emotions, actions.

Very atypically for someone who doesn't know what a love story is.

And ....

Well ... all continue ... cause her soul was already touched of his love.

The connection ... was strong ...

So ... maybe he got what he wanted.

Yes ... her soul.

Unfortunately .... he was loosing the control ... too many times.

The story itself ... was always balancing between being beautiful ... and ugly.

And ... they didn't really know ... what to expect.

Not anymore...

Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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